Lough Erne Boat Hire

Quite arguably, Northern Ireland isn’t exactly the place people think of when they are willing to go on a boating holiday. However, the county of Fermanagh has many more suitable areas for a boating trip. One such spot is Lough Erne, one of the most beautiful lakes in the UK. Lough Erne is famous among tourists or visitors because of its perfect location. This lake is one of the toppers as a tourist spot which attracts tourists more and more. And about a boating holiday, Lough Erne is the most attractive one. Ukboatholiday, simply we will help you with our service (Lough Erne Boat Hire), to provide you with the best boat on Lough Erne at an Affordable Range. Feel free to contact us.

Lough Erne boat hire

Can Lough Erne produce a perfect boating holiday vibe?

what you want from a spot when you think of a boating holiday. At first, you want the waterbody to be big enough to sail your boat freely. You already know Lough Erne is one of the most captivating lakes in the UK and on Earth. The lake is divided into two parts: Lower Lough Erne’s northern side and Higher Lough Erne’s southern side. No wonder it is a huge lake. The second thing you want is safety. As a famous boating holiday place, Lough Erne is safer than any other place in the county of Fermanagh. Just check the weather before you go, be aware of the deep zones of the lake, and always follow the guide. In terms of boating natural beauty is a must, you want from the place. we are glad to inform you that this lake contains 154 islands. Each island has its own characteristics to show natural beauty. Now you imagine how magnificent the lake is with those islands. It is just one of its beauty we share with you. And the rest, you can find in your boating holiday at Lough Erne lake. Totally forgot to tell you that the lake is a great place to fishing. you can do fishing there during your visit. Also, you can do watersports like swimming, Kayaking and Canoeing. Now you got it that the lake is way more perfect to give you a holiday vibe.

Lough erne lake

Attractions around Lough Erne.

Besides boating, Lough Erne is a great place to enjoy your hard-earned holiday with your loved one. The surrounding areas of Lough Erne offer opportunities for hiking, cycling, and wildlife watching. Isn’t it interesting? We listed some places around the lake Lough Erne that our travel friends would like to explore during their visit to Lough Erne.

  • Castle Caldwell Forest
  • Drummoney falls
  • Castle Archdale
  • Castle Archdale Country Park
  • Cliffs of Megho Viewpoint
  • Tully Castles
  • Ely Lodge Forest Walk
  • Devenish Round Tower
  • Portora Castle
  • Enniskillen Castle
  • Cole’s Monument

And the stunning Enniskillen town, the largest town of Fermanagh. Geographically speaking, this town is a rather small one considering it has a population of only 13,823 people. But that doesn’t mean the town isn’t full of its own culture and heritage.
Before it was a town, Lord Maguire built the Enniskillen Castle back in 1428. He used it as a stronghold in the war, but after that, it was left alone and made open to the public.

beauty of lake lough erne

Ever since then, many people have migrated to the town and built an entire culture around it. By this point, we can all agree that Enniskillen is a beautiful town where you can see the incredible waterside setting, cruisers flowing in the summer, and migratory birds enjoying the autumn weather. It is a blissful place to be in, and what better way to enjoy it than a boating holiday?
For starters, you should obviously visit the Castle of Enniskillen. When you enter the castle, you will find two museums containing the artifacts of rural life, local craftsmanship, and the military’s significance and history.


Shelter and dining

Around the lake, you will find plenty of hotels to stay. We suggest you stay in those hotels to get the best experience of the lake. And for food, the town of Enniskillen might be a great choice.


Boating on Lough Erne provides a unique way to experience the natural beauty, history, and tranquility of this picturesque region. Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or a first-time visitor, the lakes offer something for everyone.

lough, lake, Scotland
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